Depression Can Cause Suicide? Really?!

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Suicide is a deliberate act that causes the death of oneself. The data from the World Health Organization show that each year more than 800 thousand people die from suicide or the equivalent of one death every 40 seconds. Maria Victoria Rufino, a writer, said that suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers. This is a serious case.

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There are some causes of suicide based on Healthline. The causes are Biopsychosocial (a combination of biological, psychological and social aspects), environmental, and sociocultural (a combination of social and cultural aspects). However, dr. Agung Frijanto said that the most cause of an individual trying to make suicide attempts is the symptom of depression. This data is not just nonsense, there is a lot of evidence about it. For instance, as we know the latest news, Sulli who is a former member of the girl group F(X). She was desperate to commit suicide due to depression. Several times Sulli had stated if she pretended to be happy on the screen and social media. Not to mention that she often gets hate comments. These conditions made her decide to commit suicide. This condition might happen to you or the people around.

Before the depression comes and even wants to commit suicide, we must do some things to prevent it. One important thing that we can do is to know the symptoms of depression. Symptoms of depression can be seen through changes in three aspects such as effect (changes in feelings), cognitive, and physical.

Symptoms of depression in effect are marked by the emergence of protracted sadness, loss of interest, apathy, anhedonia (not feeling satisfied and happy), lack of energy, not excited, and isolate themselves. While the Cognitive symptoms of depression are shown by low self-esteem, decreased concentration, and memory, doubt, guilt, as well as ideas and suicide attempts. And the physical symptoms are characterized by decreased psychomotor, sleep disorders, appetite disorders, and fatigue.

Then, when the symptoms of depression already appear, we are obliged to help them who experience it. We can help them by listening to their problems and providing support. Please ask for medical help when it needs. Psychiatrists or psychologists are the best solutions because the experts will help them to find solutions to resolve the depression being suffered.

Big Hug,


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