
Showing posts from December, 2019

What are my favorite Acehnese foods?

Aceh, known as the Kota Serambi Mekah, is indeed famous for its rich and unique culture. This is also reflected in the unique culinary richness of Aceh which is popular in Indonesia. Typical cuisine of the Kota Serambi Aceh is known to have a very strong spice flavor. No wonder that many people are addicted to Aceh's food, including me. A few months ago, I had the opportunity to visit Aceh Darussalam for 9 days. And that was the time when I tried some of the typical foods of Aceh. It was really suited to my taste. So, here are some typical Acehnese foods that really impressed me. 1. Mie Aceh Mie Aceh is one of Aceh's most iconic culinary specialties. This noodle is easily found in big cities in Indonesia. Aceh noodles are usually served in two variants, which are fried or soup. But my favorite is the Aceh's Noodle Soup. In addition to strong spices, Acehnese noodles usually have special characteristics with fancy toppings, ranging from squid, shrimp,

English As An Important Aspect In The World Of Work (ESSAY)

All over the world, human needs are not only limited to food, shelter, and clothing. Many other needs have arisen with the times. Similarly, Indonesian society has faced this economic problem too. To meet all these needs, it needs a job with a decent salary. Unfortunately, as the increasing number of population in Indonesia, it makes job vacancies more difficult to get. Moreover, we have entered the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). This situation makes Indonesian young people harder in getting decent jobs. To get a decent job, we need some special skills, for instance, leadership, decision making, time management, soft skills, and many more. However, there is one crucial factor that is forgotten by Indonesians youngsters, it is communication skills. Communication is a media to convey and accept ideas or opinions either verbally or nonverbally. Communication skills have a huge impact on someone's work performance. In particular, this skill is giving effect

Depression Can Cause Suicide? Really?!

Suicide is a deliberate act that causes the death of oneself. The data from the World Health Organization show that each year more than 800 thousand people die from suicide or the equivalent of one death every 40 seconds. Maria Victoria Rufino, a writer, said that suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers. This is a serious case. There are some causes of suicide based on Healthline. The causes are Biopsychosocial (a combination of biological, psychological and social aspects), environmental, and sociocultural (a combination of social and cultural aspects). However, dr. Agung Frijanto said that the most cause of an individual trying to make suicide attempts is the symptom of depression. This data is not just nonsense, there is a lot of evidence about it. For instance, as we know the latest news, Sulli who is a former member of the girl group F(X). She was desperate to commit suicide due to depression. Several times Sulli had stated if she pretended t