What? Little Bumps on my face?!

Image result for bruntusan"

Do you feel frustrated because of tiny little bumps (a.k.a. BRUNTUSAN) on your forehead or on any part of your face? I know how it feels:’)

Actually, those little bumps are ‘less fierce’ than acne. But remember, no matter where your spot little bumps, it’s important to treat it properly.

“But, how to treat those little bumps?”

Before we discuss how to treat it, it’s better to know what the causes of little bumps are.

What Are The Causes?

Hormonal changes.
This factor is generally a trigger for the growth of pimples on the face. Hormonal changes occur when you are in puberty, menstruation, during pregnancy, to stop taking birth control pills (pill KB).

Poor Diet
Let’s check your eating and drinking routine! Are they good? Are they organic? Are they healthy?
If you just keep eating and drinking the bad one, you will hard to get rid of those little bumps on your face.

Comedones happen when your dead skin cells and oil, or sebum, block your pores and form bumps on your skin. Whiteheads are closed comedones. While the blackheads are open ones.

Small white forehead bumps might be milia. These bumps develop when dead skin cells are trapped in pockets under the skin’s surface.

Hair and hair products
Your hair can also be the source of forehead little acne. If you don’t wash your hair often enough or if you have oily hair, the oil can move to your forehead and clog pores there. And BOOM! Bunch of little bumps will pop out!

Note that breakouts might also be due to the hair products you use. Some hair products are notorious for causing acne. These include:
  • pomades
  • oils
  • gels
  • waxes

These products often contain ingredients like cocoa butter or coconut oil that can make your skin produce excess oily. Acne caused by hair products is called pomade acne.

Clothing or makeup irritation
Irritation from clothing or the chemicals in makeup can also cause forehead acne, especially if your skin is sensitive. You may get a breakout after you use a new makeup brand or if you wear a hat or headband that irritates your skin.

How to Get Rid Of Those Little Bumps?

Control Your Healthy Diet
You must control your eating and drinking menu. It’s extremely important to reduce those little pimples. Drink a lot of mineral water (3 liters per day) and eat the ‘real’ food such as organic foods, vegetables, and fruits. However, it’s okay if you want to eat junk food, but control yourself.

Cleanse your face
Washing your face with a gentle cleanser will remove excess oil, sweat, and other bad things. Be careful if your skin is irritated or inflamed. It’s best to use a cleanser that’s formulated for your specific condition. Don’t forget to read the ingredients first before buying it!

Moisturize regularly
After cleansing your face, moisturize with a gentle cream or lotion. Moisturizing can help soothe bumps caused by irritation. It can also keep your skin healthy by retaining hydration and preventing dryness. This product should be oil-free and non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog your pores. Please be a wise customer. Again, please read the ingredients before buying it.


Small bumps on the forehead aren’t caused by a serious condition. Depending on the cause, you can treat it by yourself. See a doctor if the bumps get worse. They can determine what’s causing the bumps and the best way to treat them.

If you have leisure time, you can check my skin stories @icareforskin on Instagram. I would love to see you there!

Big Hug,
Ica ❣


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