Dear, Mr. Minister of Education.

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Mr. Minister of Education,

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
First of all, I would like to say congratulation on your inauguration, sir. I hope that you can lead Indonesia's education in a better way. Sir, I would like to say some words to you. I hope you kindly read it sometime, sir.

As you know sir, as the increasing number of population in Indonesia, it makes job vacancies more difficult to get. Moreover, we have entered the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). This situation can make Indonesian young people harder in getting decent jobs. To get a decent job, we need some special skills. There is one crucial factor that is forgotten by young Indonesians, it is communication.

Communication is a media to convey and accept ideas or opinions either verbally or nonverbally. Communication skills have a huge impact on someone's work performance. As globalization develops, the use of English is increasingly crucial. For that, English language skills are needed to support one's abilities.

But sir, pathetically, I want to tell you the fact that you may know ...

The English skill of Indonesian's youngster (in middle and high school) is at 51st out of 88 countries (based on This is ironic but inevitable. We can't deny it. Sir, we need to change this thing, sir.

English education in Indonesian schools must be strong. Of course, school is a place to build the 'English foundation' of Indonesian young people. But unfortunately, our learning system is still 'classic'. We have to change this system first, sir. We need to find a way of making English is fun. We can combine some creative learning media such as animation and many more. It can make the students' enthusiasm to grow up. So, the students can feel enjoy and happy in the learning process. Hopefully, with that pleasure, they can like and master English.

That's all that I want to say, Pak.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Sincerely regards,
Annisa Permata Islami


  1. I hope your arguement can make education in Indonesian will be better in the future

  2. I hope this argument can be heard by the government

  3. I agree with your opinion. In this Ministerial Education period. I want English subject made major not local in curriculum.

  4. A nice piece of letter. Please end your letter with some salutations to make perfect.

    Well done!

    1. Thankyou for your advice sir. I will try better in the next blog, sir. And I will put some salutations sir


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